Monday, February 21, 2011

High Hopes!!

As the day dawned on 14th feb. 2011, the Sancta Marians started off on an adventurous journey to the Air Force Station Hakimpet. The adventure was the hot air balloon ride organized at the open ground of the Air Force base. The parents also accompanied our children to the venue. The children’s excitement knew no bounds when they saw the hot air being filled inside the balloon. They were amazed at the mammoth balloon bulging out into the sky! Finally, it was their turn to hop into it and soar high up in the sky. And what a ride it was! The parents and teachers were equally fascinated by the ride. The excitement came to an end by relishing the morning snacks that were arranged at the venue. Within an hour the children, with their parents, returned home with the wish to come back again and get rocketed up!! The most interesting question that came up during this journey was by Shreyas( Grade 1 ) when he said as we started the journey at 5.00 a.m “ I cannot see the clouds. I cannot see the sun. Then how is it morning?!

We reached the air base at 5:30 to watch the balloon being filled with hot air. We were given a briefing on the technicalities of filling the balloon with hot air.

Ready to soar to the skies!

Ready to launch…….

Ballooning is a natural ‘high’!

The balloon seems to stand still in the air while the earth flies past underneath!

Time to give flight to your imagination!

The ‘Adventurers’… for whom the sky is the limit.

I have known today a magnificent intoxication. I have learnt how it feels to be a bird. I have flown.

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