Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Celebration!

Halloween @ Sancta Maria was Spook-tacular! We celebrated it on 29th of October .The excitement began a couple of days before the actual celebration. The children made masks with witch caps and we decorated our pre-primary room with bats, spiders, owls and ghosts, not to forget the black chart papers on the windows for the spooky darkness. On 29th of October, we had the costume party with children dressed up as pirates, fairies, spiderman, batman, monsters and what not! They went around playing ‘Trick or Treat’ with their teachers. This was followed by listening to Halloween stories told by Ms. Ruchi Arora and Ms. Meena Sharma. The light from ‘Jack-O-Lanterns’ in the dark room gave a perfect setting for the story telling session. Finally, the children decorated their sandwiches with monster faces and relished them. The excitement continued the whole day among studies too!

Come as you aren’t!

Trick or Treat! Give me something to eat.

Give me candy,

Give me cake,

Give me something sweet to take.

Hanging around with friends – having a gh’oul time!

Trick or treat! Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat!

Pirates have a cutting edge!!

Eat, drink and be scary!

I’m too cute to scare!!

It’s Hallo – scream!

Carve out some good times!

Happy Hauntings!

Posted by Shailja and Suzan