Sunday, December 16, 2012

Why is climbing trees important?

Today in our french class we were traditionally outside with my smallest class - two students from grade 2B. After revising everything while they were enjoying the swings we moved towards the tree when Satya asked me: "Can we climb the tree?" I enthusiastically replied, that we sure can!

Stuck at the foot of the tree i heard them say: "We can't do it!"
"Of course you can! Let me show you."

After climbing it myself and explaining that it should be even easier for them because i am surely in the "old" category - at least the kids tend to vehemently put me there - they tried. I was there to catch them and encourage them.

Oh, the joy! Oh, the excitement! Oh, the sense of achievement! Why do kids get so excited when they manage to climb a tree?

Riya on her way up.

Satya on his way down.

I think it is because climbing trees falls into the category of basic skills. Basics skills every child should know. Just like reading, writing, singing, counting, cleaning after them self, dressing, washing, firmly shaking a hand when greeting or being congratulated, looking people into the eyes when talking, greeting politely...

Sometimes (most of the time, i must admit) i am strongly convinced that learning beyond academics is almost more important then academics itself. When i make a child climb a tree 5 times in a row and i see the fear go away and the child's face brighten up i feel i did more for him/her then with any French word or phrase we ever learned. Of course we never neglect academics! When they learn to climb a tree they also learn that the tree is called l'arbre in French :)

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