Sunday, February 8, 2015

Spring time – All about plants - Why? What? and How?

Allowing children to explore the natural world provides a multitude of learning opportunities—from building observation and problem solving skills to encouraging physical activity.

Is plant a living thing? Needs of a plant? Parts of a plant? Uses of a plant? Types of plant?

Yes, we discussed all of that with our kindergarteners. To sum up all of it there would not be a better place to tour than a horti expo organized for the first time in necklace rd, the heart of the city of Hyderabad. Besides our field trip to the KBR park and the zoo, this was our third trip.

A warm friday morning filled with a breath of fresh air, we started off our trip to this world of plants.  It was an awe inspiring visit for the little ones. We visited stalls filled with vegetables, fruits, flowers, seeds, plant products and many more. There were stalls for flowering plants, desert plants, saplings, ornamental, seeds, fruit and vegetable plants. Climbers, creepers, shrubs, bushes and trees. They explored them all. The expo turned out to be more than a visual treat to their curious minds.

It was a unique opportunity for the teachers to expand the walls of our classroom and inspire our students to gain a curiosity about and an understanding of the role of plants in our daily lives.  

- Kamala Manda

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