Saturday, August 4, 2012

A dialogue with Oneself

A dialogue with oneself
Did you become teacher by choice?
To me far more important is to ask that now as a teacher am I enjoying (doing justice with) my work.
What does that mean? Here are few questions that we should ask often to ourselves:
a)    Am I happy with the work that I do?
b)    Do I love learning new things in my subject? Do I challenge myself with difficult questions in my subject?
c)    Do I love teaching my subject?
d)   Do I love teaching the subject to the grades assigned to me?
e)     Do I look forward to share the beauty of a concept (subject) with my students?
f)    Do I feel happy (not always, obviously!)thinking about my children?
g)   Do I look for ways to have win-win (may seem lose-win) relationship with difficult students?
h)   Do I research (internet, books, discuss with people in the field) for the best material, teaching aids, instructions, activities, worksheets, questions asked in an interesting/ inviting way?
i)     Am I open for ideas from my colleagues?
j)      Am I open for critical (constructive) feedback on my teaching from an observer?
k)  Do I have fun planning my lessons taking care of each student’s need and abilities?
l)     Do I make best use of every 40 min session?
m)Do I feel accountable for each student whom I teach?
n)  Do I reflect daily on what went right / wrong in the class and improvise the plan if required?
o)    Is the hard work you have to put in making you happy?
p)    Do I laugh with my children?
q)   Can I still laugh after all the hard work?
r)     Am I growing as a teacher?
s)    Am I aware of my strengths and weaknesses as it will also help me to accept (empathise with) my students?
t)     Am I an example myself of what I expect from my students?
u)   Did I have a good feeling thinking about all these questions?
If you have to spend most of your life working then why not find ways to ‘Have fun!’ in it.

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