Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Reiki for children

REIKI for Children
Reiki is a complete system of natural healing. It is 100 percent pure, organic, natural and holistic. Reiki works with your whole being on all levels. It is the most primal and basic of healing available.
Everyone has the ability to perform Reiki healing and anyone can learn it. Reiki is ideal for children because in the process of learning Reiki, they learn about their bodies, their inner spirit, their personal power and their connection to the universal life force, which is universal love.
It is ideal for children because in the process of learning Reiki, they learn about their bodies, their inner spirit, their personal power and their connection to the universal life force, which is universal love.
The calming practice of Reiki promotes relaxation and confidence. Children are able unplug and get the time they need and deserve to tap into the Universal Life Energy. They enjoy their “me” time and hold on to the lasting effects. The gift of Reiki at a young age promotes a healthy way of living throughout their adult lives, helping them make better choices and create balance.

Benefits for Reiki Children and Teens:
* Less likely to show signs of excitability and depression
* Improves concentration improving test scores
* Enhances relaxation and sleep
* Calms and promotes balance
* Enhances self-awareness and self-esteem
* Helps with asthma
As adults, we are always looking for the perfect words to describe or explain something. Usually, we get quite longwinded just trying to get to the point. Children, on the other hand, have a simple explanation of life, if we would just learn to listen to them.
For example, explaining "Reiki" to some new inquiring person: I will go into "spiritually guided life force energy", "electromagnetic energy fields", "chakras and auras", "meridian lines", and even explanations on "negative psychic energy blocks". Sometimes that's just enough to get that bug-eyed, over-informed look on someone's face.
My son, Krishna has taught me just how easy it is to explain "Reiki". One evening after school, Krishna, then seven years old, had not been feeling well.  I decided to give him a Reiki session. After about 10 minutes of Reiki, I asked him if he felt the energy. Without a second of hesitation, a big smile came over his face and he said, "Oh yes Amma! I feel the Goodness!"
Children’s unwavering faith makes it easy for them to accept Reiki in their lives. My children always ask me for Reiki for everything that they feel is important or that needs healing. After I give Reiki they tell me it all is good!
-Madhu (Reiki Master) and Gowri

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