Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Motor Development in Young Children

The importance of developing fine motor skills in young children is crucial because childhood is the critical time to properly develop these muscles.

Fine motor skills activities for children are the best way to ensure proper development and practice of fine motor skills to promote the most functional use of a child's hands. Although children develop at different times, they will display different strengths depending on their interests. For example, children who are interested in art tend to develop their writing and painting skills sooner than children who are interested in building.

As children grow older they reach a variety of milestone that demonstrates whether or not proper development is taking place. These indicators are a great way to know what steps need to be taken to assure that the child’s growth is moving in a continuous upwards motion. The building of fine motor skills in children will enable them to perform a variety of important functional tasks like tying /untying shoes, writing legibly and without significant muscle fatigue, playing games that require precise hand and finger control, using scissors, developing and maintaining an effective and proper pencil grip, in short, doing ANYTHING that requires small precise hand and finger movements

Children painting with ease or molding the play dough may well be playing out their feelings in a socially acceptable way. This behavior provides children with positive ways to work through emotions using physical activity. Children acquire self-confidence and self-esteem in part through successful physical activities. As children master and refine basic motor skills, they see themselves as more competent and capable beings.

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